The Good News of the Day:
Berlin Film Artist-in-Residency (Beirut)
In the framework of the Beirut Cinema Platform, and for the first time in Lebanon, the Fondation Liban Cinema granted a new award to one of the BCP participants: The Berlin Film Artist-in-Residency award.
The residency program enables one Lebanese film professional to live in Berlin for 3 months (from September till November 2019) so he can develop his project, learn about the film industry in Germany and meet producers and professionals, in accordance with his profile.
For this year, the Berlin Film Artist – in – Residency (AiR), was granted to Karim Rahbani, Lebanese filmmaker known for his short film “Cargo”, for his new film project “Shameem”.
The residency is organized with the cooperation and logistical assistance of the Berlin-based NIPKOW training program and is an initiative of the Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg (MBB) and Fondation Liban Cinema.