Fondation Liban Cinema

was born in 2003 through a group of film industry professionals with a strong desire to support Lebanese cinema but also to place it at an international level. FLC is an organization that plays a powerful and effective role in the Lebanese audiovisual industry aiming to develop a competitive Lebanese film industry by professionalizing and structuring the sector.


In view of the history of the Fondation Liban Cinéma (FLC) and its achievements – especially in the areas of structuring the sector, professionalizing it, and promoting it, a public service delegation was granted to it by the Ministry of Culture in 2015, carrying out missions on behalf of and in place of the same ministry, particularly in matters of co-production, attracting  investments in the media field, and helping bolsting the film industry.


Establish a support fund for the financing of Lebanese films in order to encourage partnerships.
Manage and expand coproduction agreements
Promote Lebanese production abroad through a united presence in international festivals
Network professionals in the sector including both Lebanese professionals in Lebanon and those in the diaspora
Professionalize the sector by ensuring transmission of the expertise and coordinating ongoing professional trainings

Our main activities

Our main activities in the past 10 years have been the organization of yearly script writing or script rewriting workshops, putting together an official co-production agreement between Lebanon and France, supporting presence at co-production platforms residencies and festivals, intensive formation program for film producers, putting together the very first Lebanese Film Fund, representing Lebanese cinema at Cannes Film Festival and more.