Planning a film shoot in Lebanon? This document outlines essential guidelines on obtaining filming permits, artist working visas, screening permits, and tax regulations, as well as important copyright information. Click below for detailed information on all the requirements and processes to ensure a smooth production experience.



How to get a filming permit from the General Security?
To obtain a filming permit from the General Security, the application must be submitted by the Lebanese producer or line producer, because the permit will be given in the name of the producer or the production company.
* The application should be submitted to the General Directorate of General Security, facing the Palace of Justice, Building No1, 3rd floor.

Required Documents:
* Production Companies / Producer:

  1. Company registration documents (Registration number and company registration)
  2. A copy of the identity card of the company’s president
  3. The identity card of the person with the delegated authority (In case of a delegation)
  4. Copy of the director’s identity card (in case the producer and director are not the same person)
  5. 2 copies of the final script in Arabic
  6. In case the director is not Lebanese, a copy of his artist working visa permit (please see below the required documents)

The shooting permit fee is Lebanese pounds 4.900.000LL (or 60US$). The procedure time to get the shooting permit is 1 to 2 weeks.

For more info:

In some cases, additional documents might be asked by the general security from other official and non-official authorities such as religious organizations…
Once you get the General Security’s shooting permit, you will maybe be asked permits from the other following authorities:

– The Lebanese Army through this email: [email protected] fees: 50$ monthly (Acquisition time: 2 weeks)
– The Internal Security Forces- Public relations office (1 week)
– The district governorate (1 week)


For non Lebanese crew and actors, an artist working permit is mandatory.

The VISA acquisition is between 7 to 20 working days depending on the nationality of the crew members.

Application for a visa -Required Documents
Opening a folder by the Lebanese line producer or producer for the company in charge of the crew at the General Security – Artists Department, by submitting the following documents:

  1. Official papers of the company or association (circular, registration…
  2. Special delegation in case they want a lawyer to submit the documents
  3. A work contract signed between the Lebanese producer and the foreign crew member
  4. A copy of its passport (no Israeli visa included or attached is allowed)
  5. 2 ID photos
  6. The official documents of the Lebanese production company
  7. A copy of the plane ticket and the hotel reservation
  8. A tax of 10% on the salaries to be paid to the Artists syndicate through the Ministry of Finance
  9. A tax of 8% on the expenses (salaries, visa, transportation, accommodation) to be paid in Ministry of Finance
  10. Visa fee: 3.000.000 LL per person (for each entry in Lebanon)
  11. Working permit fee: 25.000.000 LL per person per month

Upon arrival to Lebanon:
– The crew member and the line producer or producer have 48 hours to inform the General Security /Artist Department about their arrival and get the working permit.
–24 hours before departing the Lebanese territory the crew member should inform the general security about their departure and get the passport stamped.


1) What are the taxes imposed on Lebanese and foreign films shot in Lebanon?
– Invoices paid in Lebanon already include VAT.
– Lebanese or foreign non-profit organizations shooting in Lebanon can claim a VAT refund.
– Note that Lebanese freelancers who do not have a “financial number” and work with Lebanese production companies, have 8% deducted from their salaries for taxes.
– None Lebanese directors/ Actors / DOPs/ Sound engineers / Make-up artists / Costumes designers/ Production designers are subject to taxes and working visa permits. Approximately 18% taxes on the expenses, in addition to the Visa fee and working visa permit are paid before entering the Lebanese territory. (Please see details above in Foreign crew section)


1)A general screening permit doesn’t exist. Every event or screening in a movie theater needs its own permit: every screening in a different event requires a new permit.

To get the screening permit, you need:
– A copy of the film on DVD
– A demand letter for the screening
– A copy of the Filming permit (if shot in Lebanon)
– Fees:4.900.000 L.L per film / per screening location

A screening permit for the trailer is also needed:
– Fees for Trailer:4.900.000 L.L per trailer / per TV station or movie theatre
– Printed posters should be stamped by the general security

2) How much does it cost to import a film to Lebanon?  

  • Courier fees
  • 200 $ for custom taxes per DCP
  • 900.000 LL for screening permit delivered by the General Directorate of General Security

For more info:


The Lebanese production company should register the film in Lebanon at the Ministry of the Economy and Trade
-Intellectual Property Protection Office.
The Society of Authors, Composers and Music Publishers in Lebanon (Société des Auteurs, Compositeurs et Éditeurs de Musique au Liban (SACEM)) which is a general collective copyright management body, is present in Lebanon and is mainly active in the musical sector.
Lebanon is bound by the following instruments:
• Berne Convention (on literary and artistic works), since September 1947
• WIPO Convention, since December 1986.
• Rome Convention (protection of performers, producers of phonograms and broadcasting organisations), since August 1997.
• Law on the Protection of Literary and Artistic Property no. 75 of April 3, 1999
• National law regulation of cinematographic and audiovisual works
Right holders
• authors (unless otherwise agreed, the producer is the copyright holder)
• performers
• broadcasters.
Protected rights
• authors’ rights
– economic rights: reproduction right; right of adaptation and translation; distribution right; rental right; import right; public performance right; broadcasting right; right of communication to the public by cable or any other means, right of making available to the public.
– moral rights: right to claim authorship; right to object modification; right of disclosure; right of withdrawal.
Performers’ rights
– economic rights: right of communication to the public and of broadcasting of unfixed performances ; right of fixation ; right of reproduction, sale and rental of recordings containing an unauthorized fixation of the performance;
– moral rights: right to claim authorship ; right to object modification.
Broadcasters’ rights:
– economic rights: right to authorize the re-broadcasting of broadcasts, the fixation for the purpose of profit, the reproduction of unauthorized recordings of broadcasts, the communication to the public where an entrance fee is paid.

Duration of rights
• authors’ rights
– economic rights: 50 years after lawful publication ; failing publication, 50 years after work completion.
– moral rights : perpetual.
• performers’ rights
– economic rights: 50 years from performance.
– moral rights : perpetual.
– broadcasters’ rights: 20 years after first broadcasting.

For more info:
Ministry of the Economy and Trade Intellectual Property Protection Office Hamra
Abdel-Aziz street
Tel.: (961.1) 34.44.85
Fax: (961.1) 34.78.00

Society of Authors, Composers and Music Publishers in Lebanon (SACEM)
Furn El Chebbak
Damas Street
Cinema Scala Building – 2
Tel. : (961.1) 29.12.94/5
Fax : (961.1) 29.12.56

NB: A finished film should be registered at the ministry of culture to be able to benefit from the official coproduction agreements and other advantages, please click on the following link: طلب تسجيل فيلم سينمائي منجز