Mother Valley
Directed by Carlos Chahine Produced by Hannah Taieb Chantal Fischer and Sabine Sidawi
Directed by Carlos Chahine Produced by Hannah Taieb Chantal Fischer and Sabine Sidawi
Directed by Danielle Davie and Mohmad Moe Sabbah Produced by Yara Abi Nader
Directed by Nassif Al Rayess Produced by Julie BouChakra.
Directed by Marcelo Gomes Produced By Ernesto Soto Cany Mariana Ferraz Eliane Ferreira and Sabine Sidawi
Directed and Produced by Bashar Khattar
Directed by Daniele Rugo Produced by Carmen Hassoun Abou Jaoude
Directed and Produced by Karim Kassem
Directed by Boudy Sfeir
Directed by Farah Kassem Produced by Cynthia Choucair
Directed by Christophe Karabache